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4 Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are getting more rampant as hackers develop sneaky ways to steal data.
A cyber attack warning sign flashing on a screen

Cyber attacks are getting more rampant as hackers develop sneaky ways to steal data. These incidents can happen to anyone, from small businesses to large corporations. Your company might be next. 

The first step against cyber attacks is awareness. We’ve listed the most common cyber attacks, their effects on businesses, and what you can do to avoid them

What Are Cyber Attacks?

These are an individual or organization’s malicious attempts to breach and control another organization’s network. Cybercriminals often aim to steal, expose, or destroy data and other assets. They want to gain access to payment details, customer data, company resources, and intellectual property and sell them or extort victims.

Cyber attacks can happen to anyone—individuals, businesses, and governments. But you can protect your company by tightening IT security and implementing strict policies.

Types of Cyber Attacks in Cyber Security

Hackers will do whatever it takes to gain unauthorized access to your data, and they have multiple ways to do so. Keep reading to learn more about the most common types of cyber security attacks. 

1. Malware

Malware, or malicious software, is a program or code designed to harm computers, networks, and servers. It can come in different forms—spyware, adware, Trojan horses, botnets, worms, and ransomware attacks. 

Regardless, it always involves software that compromises your computer system. They’re so well disguised that it often takes time for the victim to realize they’re being hacked. 

One popular example of malware is the ransomware attack on Quanta, one of Apple’s biggest partners. In 2021, REvil hacker group launched a ransomware attack on Quanta and released never-before-seen Apple product blueprints when they didn’t comply with the $50 million ransom. 

A frustrated woman looking at a hacking message on her computer screen

Image Source: Canva

2. DoS and DDoS Attacks

A denial-of-service attack (DoS) is designed to disrupt or shut down network systems, making them inaccessible to legitimate users. The target receives many false requests and prevents the business from serving customers properly. 

The most common DoS attack is the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Instead of a single launch point, multiple systems attack or block the target. 

This happened to Amazon Web Services in 2020 where an attacker caused a network traffic volume of 2.3 TBps that lasted three days. While the effects are less severe than expected, the incident shows the potential revenue loss and brand damage. 

Read more: Here Are 10 Ways to Spend Your IT Budget

3. Phishing

Many individuals are victims of phishing attacks, a cyber attack that uses emails, phone calls, links, and other techniques to steal sensitive data. Hackers pose as reputable companies and copy their branding to gain the users’ trust. 

They convince individuals to provide login credentials, credit card numbers, and pin codes. Sometimes, hackers use brute force attacks by using various password combinations to hack a user account. 

Google and Facebook were victims of phishing attacks between 2013 and 2015. Their attackers posed as Quanta, a Taiwanese supplier for both companies, and sent fake invoices demanding $100 million. The man behind the fraudulent scheme was later identified and seized, and the two social media giants recovered $49.7 million. 

Read more: Click Here to Learn the 3 Reasons Why Managed Print Services Are Needed

4. SQL Injection Attack

Structured query language (SQL) injection lets an attacker view or modify a website’s database, allowing them an opportunity to inject malicious code. When performed successfully, the attacker can expose sensitive data, endanger user privacy, and gain administrative control over your operating system. 

The most famous SQL injection case was in 2007 when hackers used this method to infiltrate 7-Eleven, Hannaford Brothers, and Heartland Payment Systems. Their successful attempt allowed them to steal millions of debit and credit card numbers. 

A man typing on a computer with cyber security terms floating onscreen

Image source: Canva

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Being vigilant is one thing, but having the correct protective resources is another. We’ve collected a few tips that offer infallible protection from the most common cyber attacks.

Keep Your Software Updated

Always update your computers, printers, tablets, and other devices to their latest software version. There are benefits—compatibility, new features, faster operating speed, and enhanced security. Software updates come with patches as solutions for device vulnerabilities and bugs, lowering your risk of becoming a cyber attack target.

Read more: Did You Know Printers Can Be Hacked Too? Here’s How to Protect Them

Secure Input Devices

Printers, scanners, and copiers are also common targets for malware because they’re often left unattended. Protect your office devices by implementing print security audit services. This program monitors your company’s print activity, energy inefficiencies, and security level. The audit also recommends solutions that target issues found. 

Limit Access Control

The best way to protect your business from cyber attacks is to limit who has access to your network and data. Anyone in your office can easily install malware on your devices or breach the data cloud, causing serious downtime. Prevent insider threats from happening when you choose to centralize important data in a cloud. 

Train Employees

Awareness is the start of change. Educating staff about cyber security is the next step. Walk them through how these attacks happen, form standard operating procedures, and inform them of the consequences of cyber threats. 

Read more: Want to Boost Office Collaboration? Click Here for Some Quick Tips

A man presses a floating lock button that expands to show different icons

Image Source: Canva

Enhance Business Protection With Integr8

Cyber security attacks happen unannounced. Don’t let hackers infiltrate your systems when your guard is down. 

Integr8 can provide the IT protection your business needs with our managed IT and print services. We offer cybersecurity, enterprise service support desk, print security audits, cloud management, and more to keep your business safe and secure. Schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can help you.